Lightracer Spark Free Download

Latest version and all DLC game Lightracer Spark Free Download released on 16 Aug 2023 by SKIDROW Repacks. Game PC Lightracer Spark TENOKE is a Sci-Fi Narrative Game.

What is Lightracer Spark?

Lightracer Spark is a sci-fi narrative game developed by Smartmelon Games and released on Steam on April 12, 2023. You play as an amender, a being from a high civilization, who descends to various extraterrestrial worlds. Your choices and actions can guide the living beings to prosperity or doom. You can also build constructions and projects that can change the environment and the future of the planets. The game features a TRPG-like role-playing system, where your character grows through decisions instead of levels and experience.

What are the main features of Lightracer Spark?

According to the official Steam page, some of the main features of Lightracer Spark are:

  • Make decisions, follow the tailwind or remold the world
  • Encounter all different alien life forms, and understand their culture and stories.
  • Obtain information through your attributes, make decisions through your consciousness, and change the direction of the world starting by changing the fate of one character.
  • Observe growth, experience the process of creating the role
  • Amender grow through the decisions made in the situations instead of levels and experience.
  • As an amender, your words and deeds can be more effective than you imagine. your choices and experiences will strengthen the character’s attributes, making an exclusive super-being at last.
  • Lightracer Spark will bring you a TRPG (Tabletop role-playing game)-like immersive role-playing experience.
  • Building constructions, and changing the future starts with the environment
  • Starting with managing the territory on the earth’s surface, followed by building celestial projects around the planet, by using the powerful technological advantages of the amender to bring prosperity or destruction to other civilizations.
  • Beyond Time and Space, to end an endless war throughout the whole universe.

What are the system requirements?

The minimum system requirements:

  • OS: 64bit Windows 7/10
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-2400 3.1GHZ
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650Ti 2G
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible

What are some of the reviews for Lightracer Spark?

Lightracer Spark has received very positive reviews from both critics and players. The game has a score of 9/10 on Steam based on 495 user reviews. Some of the comments are:

  • “A very unique and immersive sci-fi story game. The choices you make really matter and affect the outcome of each planet. The graphics are beautiful and the music is soothing. I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes sci-fi, RPGs, or narrative games.”
  • “Lightracer Spark is a gem of a game. It’s not often that I find a game that makes me think deeply about morality, ethics, and philosophy. The game explores various themes such as civilization, culture, evolution, technology, religion, war, and peace. The writing is superb and the characters are memorable. The gameplay is also engaging and challenging. You have to balance your attributes, resources, projects, and relationships with different alien races. The game also has multiple endings depending on your choices.”
  • “This game is amazing. It’s like playing a sci-fi novel with branching paths and multiple endings. The game is very well-written and has a lot of depth and detail. The graphics are stunning and the music is atmospheric. The game also has a lot of replay value as you can try different choices and strategies on each planet. The game also has free DLCs that add more content and stories to the game.”

How can I download Lightracer Spark?

You can free download Lightracer Spark TENOKE from Steam by clicking on this link: | Mirror (1.2 GB)

You can also download a free DLC called Grey and Green that adds a new story pack about a tide-locked planet with divided civilizations.


Q: How long is Lightracer Spark?

A: Lightracer Spark takes about 12 hours to complete the main story, 18 hours to complete the main story plus extras, and 25 hours to complete everything.

Q: How many planets are there in Lightracer Spark?

A: There are four planets in Lightracer Spark: Originum, the planet of origin; Grey and Green, the tide-locked planet; Red and Blue, the binary planet; and Black and White, the quantum planet. Each planet has its own unique story, culture, and challenges.

Q: How do I save my progress?

A: Lightracer Spark has an autosave feature that saves your progress every time you enter a new scene or make a major decision. You can also manually save your game by pressing the Esc key and selecting Save Game from the menu.

Q: How do I change the language?

A: This game supports two languages: English and Simplified Chinese. You can change the language by going to the Options menu and selecting Language from the General tab.

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