Request Games

Game Request – Before request,  please use the “Search Box” feature and if it’s not available at SKIDROWREPACKS then proceed to ask, if you need help or just starting out, it’s OK to post anyway.

  1. Request Any Games PC u Want
  2. No Links To any Other Sites.
  3. Request in “Comments Box”

If you got any Game request post it here. And users will help. If you buy game from official store, you can upload and send me the game. 🙂


Don’t request two or more Games at the same time please. So basically each members is allowed the request one Game at the time and can only request another Game when his/her previous request is fulfilled


Before you request be sure you can’t find the Games on SKIDROWREPACKS.
Don’t request these games (Can’t crack):

  • Elite: Dangerous (Only ONLINE, so it never can crack)
  • The Crew (Only ONLINE, so it never can crack)
  • Skate 3 (This game not on PC, why many people request it? )
  • Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (This game can’t crack, because it only MMO, not single)
  • Diablo 3 (Can’t crack)
  • Titanfall (This is online game, so can’t crack) And Online Games.

2,017 thoughts on “Request Games

  1. Vibok

    Request for latest capitalism lab…

    5.4 version of capitalism lab is available on only one website and that too is playable through virtualbox. The uploader have bypassed the login part and uploaded the saved state (you have to save the whole system) so you can load it back.

  2. CellFactor

    CellFactor: Psychokinetic Wars for PC.

    This game is a great shooter, and saw an extremely limited PC release on Direct2Drive before that site closed down. Any files still in circulation still feature an old online activation required DRM from Direct2Drive, meaning that any copies of this game which were purchased can’t be played. I’d like to see this old DRM cracked so people on the PC can play this game again.

    Without your help, the game is only available on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

  3. yasd

    Capitalism Lab 6.7.09 Full CRACK HERE

    h ttp://
    h ttp://

    1. zyom

      dear yasd.Capitalism Lab 6.7.09 Full CRACK HERE. I tried it in the win physical machine and virtual machine.Can’t use it

      1. zyom

        license server report an error
        (1)Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try agin
        (2)a java Exception has occurred

    2. flayssoow

      good job! Is it possible to crack it without buying a license? I tried it and I was able to enter the game, but the price of the building was negative

  4. Bena

    Hello, could you please add dying light 2. I know it’s new game and takes time but I’m sure many are looking for it because not everyone can buy it. Thank you.

  5. Rocky

    plz upload Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Original Version NOT the remastered)

    Remastered version does have any voice

  6. Petra

    Buenas tardes. Podrían descargar los siguientes juegos: “Fantasy Mosaics” y “Our Beatiful Earth 5 y 6”. Muchas Gracias

  7. Pilar Rodríguez López

    Buenas tardes. Por favor me podrían conseguir los siguientes juegos:
    Around the World: Travel to Brazil
    Incredible drácula 10
    Muchas gracias.


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